Lord of chaos chapter 55
Lord of chaos chapter 55

Thus, the Dragon Crystal had shocked him the most! After all, dreaming was one thing, but it was an entirely different matter to realize those dreams. However, he knew that he was nowhere near powerful enough to battle a Giant Dragon at his current stage. As a Draconid Knight, he had always dreamed of taming a Giant Dragon and becoming a true Dragon Knight. Before, they would only smile knowingly if they heard someone calling Han Jin ‘Dragon Slayer’, but not anymore! Not after today!ĭwightsteel’s face twitched from shock. Now, staring at the brilliantly shining dragon crystal, all of their doubts had vanished. But they had never been sure, because after all, Han Jin had never actually slain a dragon by himself before this point. On the contrary, his mysterious and enormous matrices and spells never ceased to surprise them. It wasn’t that they didn’t believe in Han Jin’s power. Even though everyone called Han Jin ‘Dragon Slayer’, they themselves knew how Han Jin had come by that title.

lord of chaos chapter 55

Sunier, Moxinke, and the rest were all shocked as well. Once a person’s power reached a peak, he would have already formed his own battle style, and there was no need for other people to tell Han Jin whether and how he should fight. Of course, he had good intentions in mind at the time, but looking back, those warnings seemed foolish. A few days back, before Han Jin had left, he had repeatedly warned him to not engage the Dragon Knights, Grand Magi, or any other superior-grade professionals working for Nicolas. He had to admit he had underestimated Han Jin’s power. Jeddes stared at Han Jin with a shocked face.

Lord of chaos chapter 55